We’ve got an interdisciplinary team of researchers, academics, designers, and developers each a specialist in their field.
Joerg is a world-leading expert in computational game theory with experience in software development for the Europen Space Agency, Airbus, Boeing, IBM, SAP, and other companies. Joerg is presently Professor for Operational Research at the University of Southampton, where he works on automated decision-making, data science and AI.
James has been developing software for intelligent systems and machine learning solutions for over 10 years and has worked on a multitude of commercial and academic projects. James' current post is in teaching mathematics for game design. Recent research projects and publications have been focused on developing emotive-modeling frameworks for ML and emergent technologies.
Venny is an enthusiastic game designer with a key interest in social gameplay, progression, and meta systems gained through her experience of designing chart-topping free-to-play games for Snapchat. The games she has worked on have now been played by over 70 million players worldwide and counting.
Vanissa Wanick is an Interaction Designer and UX Researcher. Her current research focuses on participatory design and collective values in the design of creative computing interactions. She is an expert in HCI and issues around humane computing. She has also more than 10 years of experience as UI/UX Designer and has published more than 20 papers in her field of expertse.
Adam is a lead 3D artist and games designer who has worked in the games industry for the past year. His work varies from 3D sculpting and modelling within applications like Blender, to animation through After Effects, to concept art using photoshop. He is proficiently self-taught within a wide variety of softwares, all building towards an effective set of skills featured within many projects.
Márton Benedek is an expert in cooperative games, receiving recognition for the 'most distinguished body of research leading to the Award of a Doctorate in the field of Operational Research' for his thesis Computing the Nucleolus of Cooperative Games, which is the crucial piece of research that Avian is built on.